Thursday, May 16, 2013

Keeping up With the Garrisons

There are so many things going on with us Garrisons lately. Here's some of our BIG NEWS: 

*SHAWN GOT A PROMOTION!! My cute husband did so well with the Mortgage portion of the system that Chase taught him that they picked him to learn another system (I don't think he knows what new system it will be yet but he's excited for the challenge and the bonus that comes with it).

*WE'RE MOVING! We are apartment hunting and we've seen some that we just love! We'll be out of our apartment by June 1st. This will be our third move since we got married. And if you're wondering...Yes, we are SICK of moving.

*I am only two classes away from getting my ASSOCIATES DEGREE! Wahoo! That means that I am half way done, I can't wait.

There is just so much change I don't know what to do with myself! We're excited and trying to remember that life is supposed to be fun and we should enjoy the craziness of it all.