Sunday, June 16, 2013

You're the Best Dad I've Ever Had! ;)


I love this sweet video! I love how it really does show everything that dad's do for their families. My sweet dad had it hard with us six children but he sure did embrace every minute of it and helped each one of us develop into our own person. I have great memories of my dad, like him dancing in the kitchen with my mom, or bringing my dad lunch at work when I was too little to go to school. Or when he came to get me on my wedding day to get married to my sweet husband and I just looked at him and started to cry the first of many tears of joy that day. My dad taught me that there is always, "room for improvement!" which made me set high goals for myself and my future. He taught me that if I'm going to cry then I better have a darn good reason or he would give me something to cry about haha :)  He is just enough crazy/silly that I think we'll keep him a round a while longer. Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Keeping up With the Garrisons

There are so many things going on with us Garrisons lately. Here's some of our BIG NEWS: 

*SHAWN GOT A PROMOTION!! My cute husband did so well with the Mortgage portion of the system that Chase taught him that they picked him to learn another system (I don't think he knows what new system it will be yet but he's excited for the challenge and the bonus that comes with it).

*WE'RE MOVING! We are apartment hunting and we've seen some that we just love! We'll be out of our apartment by June 1st. This will be our third move since we got married. And if you're wondering...Yes, we are SICK of moving.

*I am only two classes away from getting my ASSOCIATES DEGREE! Wahoo! That means that I am half way done, I can't wait.

There is just so much change I don't know what to do with myself! We're excited and trying to remember that life is supposed to be fun and we should enjoy the craziness of it all.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1 Year Down, 3 Whole Years to Go

This is how I have been feeling the past couple days. Why go to college?! All it does is stress me out and gives me more cold sores then I have ever had in my life. And it's so expensive!!! Shawn and I are so done with school or at least this semester and we are no where closer to answering the big question "What do you want to do after college?" Or for poor Shawn "What are you majoring in?" If you see us...don't ask those questions. Ha! We know we should figure it out but all we are thinking about right now is passing. We are just taking it one day at a time. Lucky for me, all of my classes end this month but Shawn still has to go back for finals in May. No fun! And even though we do not have any plans for the summer yet besides working we are so excited to be done with school for a little bit. And I know that school will benefit us in the end but some days...I just want to quit. Wouldn't it be nice to just sit around all day, actually have time to clean and learn how to cook. But then I think of my alternatives if we quit.....
Annnnndddddd I couldn't let that happen. We're too smart for McDonald's! So we'll stick around ASU for at least 3 more years and I'll learn how to cook later :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Break Part 2

So for Shawn's birthday we got to go on a small little airplane ride up to Payson. Because we were both so busy we never got around to doing it until yesterday. We had a blast! A friend of my parents named Harold Mueller owns this small plane that he loves to fly. On the way to Payson we had Shawn sit in the front because it was his first time flying. And then I got to sit in the front on the way back. On the plane we got to wear those cool earmuff headsets were you can hear the Tower telling us if it was okay to take off and land and things like that which I thought was pretty cool. The flight to Payson was only 18 minutes long instead of the hour and a half it would have taken by driving, awesome. When we landed we went out to eat at this restaurant called the Crosswinds Restaurant where all the pilots go to eat after they land apparently. I felt like it was a retirement home with lots of food personally. So we stopped and ate breakfast and then hopped right back into that plane. We loved it! Flying in that small airplane had the same feeling like we were driving for hours, so even though the plane ride home from Payson was only 18 minutes Shawn and I got super tired. Shawn and I had a great time, what a great birthday present!

Spring Break!

This last week was Spring Break and as an early birthday present to me I got to go to Utah with my sisters, Paige and Kaylee and my mother, to visit our sister Meagan and her cute little family :) The last time I was in Utah, Meagan was still engaged to Hyrum which was about 2ish years ago so I was super excited to go!

Meet Brigham:
He loves playing with his basketball, and tennis ball, and really anything else that is ball shaped that he can throw. He loves to eat peas and grapes(because they are shaped like a ball)...yuck! He also loves TREATS! He never stops being hungry for treats. Brigham can say most of his colors, and words for him for some reason he adds a "G" in front of it so he didn't go swimming, he went gimming, he's a hoot! He can also say Paige, Kay, and Grandma, but not Sarah. I'm still a little upset about that fact even though we practiced all week. He is turning two in May and is one crazy goober of a boy :)
Paige was his favorite, there is no denying that.
                  Brigham's basically a model.
         This is him sporting his duck lips like a pro.
This is what we call Brigham's cheeseball face. It's just his normal smile but boy does he look silly. I'm trying to do it too but I clearly do not look as cute as him.
This is probably the only picture that I have of Brigham and me together when his mother Meagan wasn't close by,(he didn't like me much) and the only way we got this picture was because we were throwing things that we found on the ground. You can see him holding them in his lap :)
Now meet Teanne:
She is pretty much the cutest thing you'll ever see. She is always smiling and she rarely cries!She is 5 months old and loves music, binkies, and rolling over on her back.
This is us waiting for my sisters and mother to finish getting their hair done.
Of course this little onsie was referring to me :)
Here is cute Kaylee holding Teanne after getting her hair chopped off. Super cute!
THEN....we got to go to Hyrum's work on Saturday. AMAZING. It was so cool, there were freezers with ice cream, a cotton candy machine, snacks in a hippie bus (that I regretfully did not take a picture of), soda machines, massage chairs, dogs, and basically anything that you would ever want. We had so much fun! One fun thing that we got to do was "chalk a brick". At Hyrum's work they have a brick wall and people just write their names or really anything onto these bricks. 

These ones are my mother's, she calls herself Grandma Otis and my dad is Grandpa Ching-Chong.

This one is Kaylee's! She thinks that she'll be going to BYU when she grows up and she even bought a cool BYU outfit when we went to the BYU bookstore.
                                                               Paige's duh...

Brigham colored on quiet a few bricks but we named this one as his
This one is mine and because Shawn couldn't come with us because of work I chalked one for the both of us.

We loved Utah! We had so much fun going to the park, the mall, and the temple. And it was great to see Meagan and Hyrum's cute family :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Birthday To Shawn!

~We are Shawn & Sarah Garrison 
Meet Shawn...
Shawn is an Exploratory Health major (but is thinking about changing his major) at Arizona State University. He just had a birthday on February 15 and is now the ripe old age of nineteen :) 

Here are 19 things that I love about Shawn or maybe just some things you didn't know about him-
1) I love how thoughtful he is. He never thinks of himself and only worries about how I am doing.
2) Shawn is super organized. Everything has a specific place in his mind. And those of you that know me I am just the opposite.
3) This man of mine cannot walk outside of the apartment without a watch, looking good, and smelling good.
4) For some reason Shawn likes to prove his manliness by growing facial hair. This is clean shaven in his eyes.
5) He is wonderful with children! He has two nieces (soon to be another niece or nephew we don't know yet) that live close and he is so good with them! He never gets tired of giving piggy back rides, playing tag, or coloring. He'll make a great dad in 20 years.
6) He would love to become a trauma surgeon if the future will allow it.
7) He has a not-so-secret man crush on Tom Cruise.
8) Shawn can fix anything. Leaking bathtub, running toilet, and even a stuck backpack zipper. He's that good ;) 
9) He is such a goober. Exhibit A-

10) Shawn is an excellent cook and puts my pathetic attempts to shame.
11) He has never been on a plane before. And for his birthday he received a certificate to take a plane ride to Payson for breakfast and then fly back home. He's really excited about it!
12) Shawn loves his family! They are all kinds of crazy but man oh man are they fun.
13) He would love to go skydiving, bungee jumping, or anything that is dangerous.
14) Shawn hates almost every single breakfast food.
15) Shawn has 4 brothers and I have 4 sisters, so he sometimes has a hard time dealing with "emotions" and he often just wants to fight, watch scary action movies, or do other manly activities.
16) My hubby is one of those people that would love to have all of our children's names start with the letter S. No. Thank. You.
17) Shawn is basically a pro-bowler. He even has his own bowling shirt, bowling balls, and bowling shoes.
18) This cute man is definitely NOT a morning person and does not wake up with a smile unless it's after 11 am.
19) He made me the happiest person in the world on October 20th, 2012 when he married me. I feel like we have already learned and have grown up so much just in the last 3ish months and I know that we still have SO much more to learn. I sure do love kissing this man every day and I can't wait to grow old, wrinkly, and smelly together :)