Thursday, April 18, 2013

1 Year Down, 3 Whole Years to Go

This is how I have been feeling the past couple days. Why go to college?! All it does is stress me out and gives me more cold sores then I have ever had in my life. And it's so expensive!!! Shawn and I are so done with school or at least this semester and we are no where closer to answering the big question "What do you want to do after college?" Or for poor Shawn "What are you majoring in?" If you see us...don't ask those questions. Ha! We know we should figure it out but all we are thinking about right now is passing. We are just taking it one day at a time. Lucky for me, all of my classes end this month but Shawn still has to go back for finals in May. No fun! And even though we do not have any plans for the summer yet besides working we are so excited to be done with school for a little bit. And I know that school will benefit us in the end but some days...I just want to quit. Wouldn't it be nice to just sit around all day, actually have time to clean and learn how to cook. But then I think of my alternatives if we quit.....
Annnnndddddd I couldn't let that happen. We're too smart for McDonald's! So we'll stick around ASU for at least 3 more years and I'll learn how to cook later :)


Unknown said...

You guys are rock stars! I tell Chad that since I attend ASU I have every right to act live a "devil" sometimes :) You best be coming over during the summer to craft with me. Hang in there, just two weeks left!!

SimplySarah said...

Haha I completely agree! ASU just makes me angry some days. Wahoo! I can't wait for craft parties!

Cluff Family said...

You two can do it! In fact, you are doing it and I am proud of both of you. Shawn, you are going to be amazing at whatever you decide to do, so stop worrying, you will figure it out. I am glad you will have a break from school over the summer too. You deserve it.

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